220 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating distribution for Xrayjay


Fri 27th Aug 21:46
The Walking Dead rated  Perfect
Such a great board. If the survivors make it through the first few turns its Zombie hunting season. It is possible for 2 extremely well organized and slightly lucky survivors to win. I've only seen the barn opened in one game, but in that one it almost turned the tables on the two survivors before they won a second desperate fight.

Survivors must communicate before their turn at least in the first few turns!
#4 of 4
Thu 6th Aug 18:10
Game of Hordes! rated  Perfect
An underappreciated gem. Timing and taking huge risks is the key.
#3 of 4
Wed 19th Aug 17:50
Iwo Jima rated  Great
A really great board. Love the strategies involved of trying to choke off reinforcements, particularly playing as the US. My one big niggle is that the end game for a Japanese victory is very drawn out if your opponent does not surrender - I have found it being sometimes 6 or 7 turns before I can mop up after the Americans have lost all hope.
#2 of 4
Sun 19th Apr 02:06
Battle of Bladensburg rated  Perfect
What a great board. It really feels like a battle...a desperate fight to keep the British from crossing the river, then a back and forth pitched battle over the high ground and artillery firing at the enemy across the river. Fun.
#1 of 4